2014 Q2 March 19

2014 Q2 March 10

2014 Q2 Feb 13

C/2014 Q2 Feb 8

2014Q2 Feb 7

2014Q2 Jan 26

2014 Q2 Jan 21

2014 Q2 Jan 18 mosaik

2014 Q2 Jan 18

2014 Q2 Jan 14

2014 Q2 Jan 13

2014 Q2 Jan 12

2014Q2 Jan10

C/2012 K1 Oct 5

C/2012 K1 sep 21

C/2012 K1 June 22

C/2012 K1 April 30

C/2012 K1 April 21

C/2012 K1 May 4

C/2014 E2 Aug.17/18/19

C/2014 E2 Aug. 19

C/2014 E2 Aug 17

C/2014 E2 Aug.8 LRGB

2014E2 Aug.7 LRGB

C/2014 E2 Aug. 3

2014 E2 July 30 LRGB

2014E2 July 29

2014 E2 Apr.17 10"/3.8

2013 UQ4 July 6

2013 UQ4 Jul3 APO 80/400

C/2013 UQ4 June 26

Ison Nov.22 Leica-Apo 180/4.0

ISON Nov.22 Apo 80/400

Ison Nov. 17

Ison Nov. 16

Ison 2013-11-12

Ison 2013-11-10

Ison 2013-11-08

Ison 2013-10-31

Ison & Mars Oct. 17 8"/2.8

Ison Oct. 17 8"/2.8 M.Jäger

Ison Oct. 13

Comet Ison Oct. 5 M.Jäger

Ison Oct.3 M.Jäger

C/2012 S1 2013-09-28 Esprit 80D LRGB M.Jäger

C/2012 S1 Ison 2013-09-08 14"/4.1 M.Jäger

C/2102 S1 Ison 2013-09-05 UT 2.29 10"/3.8 M.Jäger

C/2012 S1 Ison 2013-08-18 UT 2.25 10"/3.8 M.Jäger

C/2012 S1 Ison 2013-08-18 UT 2.30 10"/3.8 M.Jäger

C/2012 S1 Ison 2013-08-17 10"/3.8 M.Jäger

C/2012 S1 Ison 2012-09-04 10"/3.8 M.jäger

290P 2014 May 1

290P 2014 April 21

290P Feb.23 2014

290P Oct 12 UT 23.22

290P/Jager 2013-09-05 M.Jäger

290P/Jager 2013-08-18 UT1.11 10"/3.8 M.Jäger

P/1998 U3/Jager 1998-10-25 22.39 UT 10"/1.8 M.Jäger

P1998 U3 Jager 1998-12-15 19.06 UT 10"/1.8 M.Jäger

P/1998 U3 Jager 1998-12-26 2.30 UT 7"/f-6 M.Jäger

P/1998 U3 Jager 1999-01-06 18.35 UT 10"/1.8 M.Jäger

P/1998 U3 Jager 1999-01-10 10"/1.8 M.Jäger

P/1998 U3 Jager 1999-01-17 21.24 UT 10"/1.8 M.Jäger
The image gallery is empty.
About me
I start my photographic comet work in 1982.
In the beginning I was fascinated by the rapidly changing appearance of comets.
This has not changed even after the observation of more than 500 comets.
The astrometry of comets is now my interest. My special thanks goes to
Wolfgang Vollmann from Vienna, who performs the measurement of the images
Comet observations made most of the time from Stixendorf near Krems, Austria.
The observing site is located in the field at 602 meters above sea level.
The telescope must be repositioned before each night.
This mobility allows to change the observation position slightly to
to find comets near horizon.
The light pollution of Krems is in the east and southeast clearly visible. Very dark, however, is the region from southwest to northwest.
Stixendorf A71 = 15°27'12" +48°25 54 602m
Many Thanks to
Prof. Hermann Mucke: The main supporter of my work.
Gerald Rhemann and Franz Klauser: Two important companion for decades.
Wolfgang Vollmann: A professional in measurement of the comet images.
Sebastian Hönig: He proposed to name minor planet 78391 Michaeljäger.
Minor Planet Circular MPC 51982:
Michaeljäger 78391 Journalist
(78391) Michaeljäger
Discovered 2002 Aug. 8 by S. F. Hönig on NEAT images taken at Palomar.
Michael Jäger (b. 1958) is one of the most prolific and recognized
comet astrophotographers. Within the last decades he imaged around 300
different comets and discovered comet P/1998 U3 as well as fragment D of
comet 141P/Machholz. In 2002 he assisted the discoverer with confirmation of
comet C/2002 O4 (Hönig).
Mister Edgard Wilson and the IAU-Team for
With reference to IAUC 6936, the Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory wishes to announce that the 1999 Edgar Wilson Award for
the discovery of comets by amateur astronomers is being divided
among the following six individuals or groups: Peter Williams,
Heathcote, N.S.W., Australia, for C/1998 P1; Roy A. Tucker, Tucson,
AZ, U.S.A., for P/1998 QP_54; Michael Jager, Weissenkirchen i.d.
Wachau, Austria, for P/1998 U3; Justin Tilbrook, Clare, S.A.,
Australia, for C/1999 A1; Korado Korlevic and Mario Juric, Visnjan,
Croatia, for P/1999 DN_3; and Steven Lee, Coonabarabran, N.S.W.,
Australia, for C/1999 H1.
(C) Copyright 1999 CBAT
1999 July 14 (7223) Daniel W. E. Green
and Otto Guthier and the VdS-Team for the Vds-Medaille
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